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Upgrading to Windows 10

The deadline for installing Windows 10 as a free upgrade is July 29. You may have heard Microsoft made it free because Microsoft sees it as a tool to gather information about you so they may sell it for profit. So it remains, nothing is rarely ever free and there always seems to be a catch. When upgrading, follow these steps to minimize Microsoft’s snooping into your life.

When upgrading, you will first be given the option to customize your installation settings. If you go too fast, you’ll miss it. The customize settings is in small text at the bottom left. Choose that.

Windows 10 Installation 00

Next you will be presented with these screens. Make the choices shown below.

Windows 10 Installation 01

Windows 10 Installation 02

Windows 10 Installation 03

You don’t want Cortana.

Windows 10 Installation 04

Be sure to choose your default apps yourself.

Windows 10 Installation 05

Windows 10 Installation 06

After upgrading, download, install, and run ShutUp10 choosing the recommended settings:

Shutup10: Free antispy tool for Windows 10

Finally, to reclaim your start button you can get this utility. 30 day free trial. Its only $5:

Start10, the first Windows 10 Start menu alternative.

Overall I think Windows 10 is a decent operating system provided you set it up correctly and minimize Microsoft’s spying.